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Quinacrine Sterilization (QS)

Frequently Asked Questions 

How does the QS dosage compare to the oral dose for malaria? The QS procedure administers a safe dosage of Quinacrine: 252 milligrams inserted into the uterus in two doses four weeks apart. That is a total of 504 milligrams compared to the 36,500 – 52,000 milligrams of Quinacrine that Millions of Americans have safely taken by mouth for a period of one year. (Other people have even taken these dosages over many years with few lasting side effects.)

Does QS cause birth defects? In over 200,000 QS non-surgical permanent contraceptions, we have not seen a birth defect in an infant exposed to quinacrine in early pregnancy (when a woman was unknowingly pregnant at the time of quinacrine insertion) or when a woman became pregnant in the weeks following quinacrine insertion. However, there have only been a limited number of full-term pregnancies because we strongly recommend that women who are faced with either of these two circumstances obtain an abortion as soon as arrangements can be made. If she is opposed to abortion for herself, QS may not be a good choice for her. She should consider either surgical sterilization or temporary contraception methods. She should carefully consider what action she is prepared to take faced with either of these circumstances before deciding to get QS.

Does QS cause cancer? QS scientific researchers have proven that there is no risk of cancer with QS. Quinacrine has been used by more than 100 million people during its first 65 years of use, always in larger doses than for QS. There was never any mention that this drug might cause cancer because there was no link suspected, despite this enormous human experience. Not until 1993, when the fertility control potential of the drug became clearly documented, was the charge first made that QS may cause cancer. Although unproved scientifically, much media attention has unfortunately been given to the opposition and their accusations. Scientific evidence suggests that this method does not cause cancer. One study in Chile that has followed 1500 women for 19 years, has found no increase in the risk of cancer. A definitive answer awaits a much longer study in a much larger number of women.

As a medical practitioner, how do I offer QS to my patients?
Visit Dr. Whitney’s practice to see an example of how it is done.

How QS Works
